Welcome to Year 5 Learning for 2016 to 2017
Summer 2017
Year 5 Victorian Day
On Thursday 29th June, Year 5 enjoyed a Victorian Day. All of the children got into role by arriving at school dressed as Victorian children. They performed an assembly twice, first for the school and then for the parents. This was a Victorian Music hall, showcasing the many talents of the children in Year 5. Then they experienced Victorian-style English and Maths lessons, which involved writing with a quill and ink, converting Victorian money into new money and chanting poetry and times tables. After sampling some Victorian broth, the children set up the hall ready for our Victorian Market. The stalls we had included a book stall, cake stall, splat the rat, tin can alley, apple bobbing, decorate a doily and many more. Children from both sites got to enjoy taking part in various Victorian games and winning prizes. Overall, a very exciting, memorable day was had by all.
Spring Term 2017
Autumn 2 2016
Look at the slideshow of photographs to see the variety of things that we have been learning about this half term.
Our Learning
In our Science investigations we have been measuring the length of shadows.
In our Art lessons we have been creating clay monkeys.ย We have been inspired by the work of South American artist, Frida Kahlo.
Year 5 have been working with Sue and John Shaw from Shotley Bridge Village Trust to improve the school garden.
In Art we have been making Dream Catchers.ย We were inspired by the work of South American Artist, Leonora Carrington.
The Year 5 and 6 children participated in an indoor athletics event at The Louisa Centre in Stanley. ย The children enjoyed running events Speed Bounce, Soft javelin, and Chest throws to name but a few. ย As usual, the behaviour and sportsmanship of the children was exemplary.
Bird Seed Cakes
During their Science lessons, the Year 5 and 6 children made bird seed cakes in the classroom and then hung them on the trees in the hope of attracting more birds to the school grounds.
In the Spring Term, Classes 12 and 13 have been very busy.ย Have a look at the gallery of photographs below.