At transition points within school, families are updated about changes to staffing, new classrooms and transition arrangements. All children have a transition day, receive a transition booklet and have opportunities to interact with new staff regularly. Parents are invited into school to see their child’s new classroom and teacher on transition day and additional meetings are held to support transition between phases and buildings.
Transition booklets for this year can be found on our Leaflets and Forms page, please ask staff if you would like a paper copy.
How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
Transition into school for children with SEN is planned in advance through consultation with parents and/or pre-schools. When needed children may attend additional transition sessions, with the support of a familiar adult where needed. All children have several opportunities to develop relationships with our staff and to become familiar with out setting. Children first meet our staff in their nursery (where possible) where staff can observe their interests and interact with children in a familiar setting. There are also home visits, a visit to school with a familiar adult and a transition day.
How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school
When children with SEN are moving year groups, visits to the new classroom are built into the daily routine well in advance to enable the child to build relationships with the staff and familiarise themselves with the environment.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
We arrange extra support and visits for pupils with SEN, in liaison with their chosen next school. We will also arrange meetings with the school staff and families, to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible. We inform parents of planned transition days that the local schools are having.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.