Welcome to SBPS Pupil Parliament
SBPS Pupil Parliament is a group of pupils, from Reception to Year 6, who are elected by their peers in a true democratic vote, to represent their views and raise issues with the senior leaders of the school. SBPS Pupil Parliament is made up of six committees which take forward initiatives and projects on behalf of their peers. They initiate fundraising ideas and share plans for charity days by presenting in assembly and by taking an active role in coordinating activities in which the whole school partake.
SBPS Pupil Parliament helps children to:
- Enjoy and feel empowered by their education;
- Feel that their school responds to their needs;
- Have the opportunity to let adults know their feelings and opinions about things that affect them;
- Have a say about decisions, and play an active role in making their school a better place;
- Develop active life skills through participating.
We believe in democracy and that our children should play a part in making decisions concerning matters that affect our school and our wider lives. While our Pupil Members of Parliament (PMPs) are elected, we ensure that all children can make suggestions and do so during class meetings. SBPS Pupil Parliament committee groups meet at least once every half term to discuss matters arising from class meetings. They then take their ideas to Mrs Dryden and discuss them.
SBPS Pupil Parliament Committees
- KS1 Shaping our School Committee (SOS)
- Eco Committee (KS2)
- Make a Difference Committee (MAD) (KS2)
- KS2 Shaping our School Committee (SOS)
- Community Kitchen (KS2) + Support group