School Curriculum Overviews
At Shotley Bridge Primary School, we teach a broad and balanced curriculum which is carefully sequenced to help our children to achieve their full potential. We add our class overviews each term to this page. Have a look at our Facebook feed to view some of our work and achievements that we share throughout the year.
Curriculum Maps – Autumn Term 2023
Curriculum Maps – Spring Term 2023
Further information about our curriculum can be found in the subject pages in the curriculum section on our website. This includes subject visions, subject policies, long term plans and medium term plans.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. Our SEND philosophy places SEND children at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum is tailored to meet individual pupils needs. At times and when it is felt appropriate, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented. To successfully match pupil ability to the curriculum, Shotley Bridge Primary School remain committed to:
- A range of teaching and learning styles
- Differentiated learning materials
- Access to ICT and Technology
- Additional in class support
- Additional out of class support
- Many Enrichment and Enjoyment opportunities to stimulate and motivate learning
- Flexible groupings – including small group support work
- An innovative and supportive curriculum
- The appropriate use of rewards and sanctions
- A broad range of extra-curricular activities, including homework club, one to one support and booster/extension sessions
- Assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements and enable pupils to know how to improve.
If you would like further information on Our Curriculum, please contact your child’s class teacher via the school office. Further SEND information can be found in our Curriculum Policy in our School Policies section. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.