At Shotley Bridge Primary School, Religious Education is a broad and balanced curriculum which provides children with an education centred on a range of religions and experiences that promotes children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development. Religious Education is taught in an enquiry-based way. We believe that high quality Religious Education will allow our children to make links to their own lives in order to prepare them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life with a greater understanding of the world around them and those in it.
Through our RE lessons we provide children with opportunities to fully immerse themselves in different religions and cultures. Children also take part in visits to places of worship and of significance to certain religions. They receive visits from religious speakers who come into school to talk to them about what it is truly like to be a part of their religion, culture and community. Giving the children opportunities to ask questions and further their understanding. In addition, we also celebrate days of celebration from a range of religions to immerse the children fully in what it is like to be part of a religion, or a religion different to their own.
Through Religious Education we aim for our pupils to:
- develop knowledge and understanding of a variety of religions (including Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism and Islam) and consider how the beliefs of others impact on their lives and the lives of others
- Provides religious faith as the search for and expression of truth
- Provides pupils with opportunities for personal reflection where they can explore their own and other’s beliefs and opinions (not necessarily religious) through discussion and listening, in a safe and nurturing environment
- To understand, appreciate and respect different cultures and the diversity of modern society
- Ask challenging questions that further their understanding of other religions and cultures.
Children at Shotley Bridge Primary School gain a wide range of knowledge about religions while recognising that religions is not only a thing of the past but is a significant part of our modern world. Through our curriculum, they are given the opportunity to contribute to the diverse culture and society that we are a part of.
RE Supporting Documents