I am very proud to welcome you to Shotley Bridge Primary School. It is a privilege to lead such a wonderful school, full of happy, well behaved, caring, kind and hard working children who are a pleasure to teach, and to be part of a caring, talented and dedicated team of adults. I am proud that we have created an inclusive community, where everybody is valued and nurtured. We work together to provide a secure and happy environment for everyone and visitors to our school comment on the warm, friendly atmosphere that they experience as they step through the doors. We are committed to strong partnerships with community members, parents and carers and believe by working together we can provide the very best education for our children. There are many opportunities for parents and carers to play a role at Shotley Bridge Primary School and as new parents/carers you can become members of our PTA, if you so wish.
At Shotley Bridge Primary School, we strive to make every child and adult realise that they are unique and that they are an important part of our school community as we all strive to achieve our full potential. Throughout the school, staff work hard to ensure that lessons are engaging, enjoyable and challenging for all pupils. We are innovative in our teaching methods and think hard about our practice. Like the children, we aim to be the very best that we can be. Staff at Shotley Bridge Primary School are excellent role models for our children, and consequently all children are polite, well mannered, courteous and have excellent attitudes to learning. We are proud to say that our children make good progress from their starting points and achieve wonderful outcomes throughout their time with us.
Of course, we want our children to do well academically; to become literate and numerate and to fulfil their potential in their schoolwork. However, at Shotley Bridge Primary School, we want so much more than this. Our school is a land full of opportunities, where children (and adults) have the chance to engage in new experiences, learn and develop a range of skills, find out what they enjoy and develop and grow as individuals and as members of our community. We look forward to welcoming you and your child/children to our wonderful school.
We hope you enjoy finding out more about Shotley Bridge Primary School by exploring this site!
Mrs V Atkinson