Welcome to Year 1
Mrs Dipper and Miss Hirst are the teachers in Year 1. Mrs Lee and Miss Green are the teaching assistants who support the children in Year 1
Our Learning
Autumn Term 2017
A ‘Treemendous’ time in the woods.
To launch our ‘Enchanted Forest’ topic Year 1 headed into the woods in the school grounds on a walk of discovery. The children used their imagination and turned woodland objects into magical creations.
- Our classroom display.
- ‘Clay Art’ using natural objects.
- ‘Clay Art’ using natural objects.
- ‘Clay Art’ using natural objects.
- In the woods at Snows Green Road site.
- Looking closely at trees and shrubs.
Natural Art
As part of our new topic, the Enchanted Forest, we used the natural resources to create clay faces! We entered the secret garden with a piece of clay each and set to work. Each child found a space on a tree and created a face in the clay, using natural resources, such as bark, flowers, leaves and moss. We then took a tour around the secret garden looking at each other’s work before returning to the classroom. We were all really pleased with our creations.
Internet Safety
As part of Computing we began by learning all about Internet Safety. We know how to keep ourselves safe online by creating our own nickname and fantasy character to keep our real identity hidden from others.
Beginning to learn all about Adjectives
We enjoyed playing the ‘Headband’ game in English using adjectives to describe various goblins for our partners to guess. We used interesting adjectives such as: sharp, pointy, spiky, spotty and warty. It was great fun.
- The headband game
- The headband game