Welcome to Year R (2018 to 2019)
Parents and carers can view or download our latest Curriculum Plans on our website.
Miss Parkes and Mrs Wolstenholme are the teachers in Reception. Mrs Donnelly and Miss Jackson are the teaching assistants who support the children in Year R.
Summer Term 2019
- looking at the victorians
As Class One won the meerkat trophy for the half term, they earned a treat. The class put forward different options and voted for their preferred choice. A trip to Shotley Bridge Park won. The children had lots of fun.
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Smoothie Bike
As part of the Farm to Fork learning in year R, a Smoothie Bike was borrowed from Taylor Shaw, the catering company. The children added ingredients to the blender and then needed to pedal for the smoothie to be made. The children were fascinated by the activity and enjoyed tasting the result!
Whitehouse Farm visit 2019. Our annual trip to the farm was aided by wonderful weather this year. The children had many fantastic experiences, feeding llama’s and lambs, watching donkeys and deers and jiggling around on a tractor and trailer ride too! Have a look at the photographs below.
- Trailer ride around the fields.
- Trailer ride around the fields.
- Animal handling
- Stroking rabbits
- Cuddling chicks
- Bottle feeding lambs
- Bottle feeding lambs
- Bottle feeding lambs
- Bottle feeding lambs
- Bottle feeding lambs
- Bottle feeding lambs
- Feeding and petting the lambs.
- Feeding and petting the lambs.
- Feeding and petting the lambs.
- Learning about llamas.
- Learning about llamas.
- Feeding the pony.
- Feeding the pony.
- Feeding the donkeys.
- Feeding and petting the lambs.
- Feeding and petting the sheep
- Feeding the llama,
- Learning about the llamas.
- Stroking the donkeys and ponies.
- Stroking the donkeys and ponies.
- Stroking the donkeys and ponies.
- Stroking the ponies.
Spring Term 2019
Maths Week
Outdoor Learning – Dinosaur Hunt
Using large apparatus
People who help us.
As part of the current topic, the police came to visit. The children were able to sit in the patrol car, try on the uniform and learn about the special jobs that the police do.
Chinese New Year
The children were offered prawn crackers to taste and they heard the legendary story of the animals.
Repeating patterns.
As part of the whole school team competition Reception participated in target practice. We scored points according to the hoop that our beanbag landed in.
Christmas Festivities
Reception have had a fun-filled last week in school before the Christmas holidays. The children started the week by decorating their own party hats. The children then wore their party hats when eating the Christmas dinner on Tuesday. On Wednesday it was our Christmas party. In the morning the children helped to prepare the party food. At the party, we danced and played party games.
We hope you all enjoy a peaceful Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all when school reopens on Monday 7th January 2019.
Merry Christmas to all the Reception children and their families from the Reception team.
Christmas Role Play Area
The children in Reception have loved our Christmas role play area. They have enjoyed wearing Christmas accessories such as elf hats as well as wrapping presents, writing cards, writing lists and decorating the tree.
Children in Need Fundraising Day
We had a fun-filled day whilst raising money for Children in Need. We started the day by talking about what Children in Need is. We went on a spot hunt and recorded our findings. We also participated in a catwalk so we could show everyone our outfits as well as our dance moves and poses! We had fun colouring in Pudsey and Blush pictures and we made Pudsey Bear headbands. Thank you to all our parents and carers for your support in raising money for this amazing charity.
Learning about Diwali
The children have learnt about the Hindu celebration Diwali. The children have enjoyed creating and colouring their own Rangoli patterns. The children also participated in a Bollywood dancing session with a dancer from Dance City. It was great fun.
Literacy Week
Reception visit Leaf Land for the first time!
Reception enjoyed visiting Leaf Land for the first time. They were very good at putting on their own wellies. We looked at the trees and we talked about the colours of the leaves and we noticed some leaves had fallen to the ground already. The children enjoyed exploring the area. They played in the long grass and the trees. Some children collected lots of conkers which we used for maths activities later in the week.
During Literacy week we have been reading stories in school as part of the ‘Readathon.’
Have a look at our list of books. Hopefully the children have been reading as many at home.
- Class 2
- Class1
Using the outdoors.
The children in Reception have enjoyed playing on the bikes and scooters in the yard.
Listening activities
The children have been engaging in many fun activities to tune their ears into sounds. This will help the children to learn to read. We have played games with musical instruments as well as rhyming and initial sound games.
The children have been learning about the 2D shapes triangle, square, circle and rectangle. They have been recognising and naming the shapes as well as describing them such as saying how many sides they have and the length of the sides. The children then became shape hunters as they enthusiastically looked for the shapes in the classroom.
Settling into Reception The children have spent the first two weeks getting to know each other and exploring the Reception environment. We have also worked together to create our Reception Promises which are now displayed in the classroom.
Archived Learning
Please view our Archived Reception Class learning by clicking the links below: