Welcome to Reception
Miss Parkes and Mrs Wolstenholme are the teachers in Reception. Mrs Donnelly, Miss Jackson Mrs Green and Mrs Austin are the teaching assistants who support the children in Year R.
Parents and carers can view or download our latest Curriculum Plans on our website.
Summer Term 2018
July 2018
Today we made art using natural materials again but this time we created circles. Check out our work!
July 2018 We looked at the natural artwork by Richard Long then we headed to Leaf Land to collect natural materials. We then used our found objects to create lines.
Circus Day 2018
This half term our topic in Reception is ‘The Circus’ and we started the topic with a circus day. We had such an exciting day with Marty and Emma. We learnt lots of circus skills including spinning plates, juggling, using a flower stick and how to hula hoop plus many more. At the end of the day we showed off our new skills to the rest of the school.
Meerkat Manners Trip to Shotley Bridge Park
Class 1 earned a special treat as they received the most meerkat points for the half term. The children put forward suggestions about what we should do to celebrate and then they voted for their preferred option. The result was a visit to Shotley Bridge Park! The children were a credit to the school: they walked smartly; they were polite; and, they were fantastic friends. As you will be able to see in the photographs the children have made lovely friendships and they all enjoyed playing with each other at the park today.
Well done Class 1, you deserved your treat!
Mobilo Mystery
The mobilo is a much-loved resource in Reception so you can imagine the reaction when the children found that it was missing this morning! The children spent the morning hunting for the mobilo, looking for clues, creating maps and even writing a letter to the assumed mobilo thief. We found lots of jigsaw pieces then we put them together to find out that the mobilo was at Leaf Land! We headed to Leaf Land in the afternoon and there it was! We were delighted and enjoyed constructing with the mobilo at Leaf Land.
After a whole school lunch on the grass, to celebrate the Royal Wedding, Reception prepared sandwiches and iced biscuits for the picnic. During the afternoon they all enjoyed playing traditional games, made flags or had fun with friends.
We have enjoyed outdoor PE in the warm weather lately. We have been practising throwing and catching as well as negotiating space successfully.
As we have been learning about money recently, during our learning the children were able to buy some jam sandwiches.
We went to Consett Leisure Centre to participate in Soccer Tots activities. We learnt how to dribble a ball and how to shoot a ball into the goal. We enjoyed playing a game of football as well as other games.
At Whitehouse Farm we also played in the playpark. The sun continued to shine and it was a lovely treat at the end of such a fabulous day.
Whitehouse Farm – Thursday 19th April
Reception enjoyed an incredible day at Whitehouse Farm. We enjoyed a bumpy tractor ride around the farm. We found out about different farm animals including pigs, sheep, wallabies and donkeys. We bottle-fed lambs and carefully fed sheep and donkeys. We also held some smaller animals including Everest and Pebbles the rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, chicks and a bearded dragon.
We even spent some time at the play park. It was such a busy day that some of us fell asleep on the bus journey home. We will be continuing to learn about the farm in school this half term. If you have any photographs of the children visiting farms outside of school please feel free to send these into school for the children to share with their classmates.
Wednesday 24th January – Shape hunters
Reception have been busy searching for shapes in the classroom. Some keen shape hunters even found ovals and stars! If children would like to search for shapes at home, they are welcome to share their findings in school.
Fun in the snow!
Teddy Bear Picnic – Wednesday 22nd November
If you go down to Shotley Bridge today, you’re sure of a big surprise! For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because today’s the day Reception have their picnic. Reception enjoyed writing lists for their picnic then making their own sandwiches. We did not let the bad weather dampen our spirits! We decided to enjoy our sandwiches under shelter in the gazebos. The children had great fun with their bears! Have a look at the photographs!
- Eating sandwiches made earlier
- Eating sandwiches made earlier
- HAving a picnic indoors
- Our bears got ready to picnic!
Settling into school
Reception have adapted to school life very well. It’s hard to believe they have only just started! The children contributed to making our Reception Promises which they have been following. The children have been learning our school rules and routines and many new friendships have blossomed. Here are some photos from the first half term.
Reception visit Leaf Land for the first time!
Reception enjoyed visiting Leaf Land for the first time. They were very good at putting on their waterproof trousers and wellies. The children enjoyed exploring the area and looking for signs of autumn. They collected many conkers which we used for maths activities later in the week. We can’t wait to visit Leaf Land again!
Reception Parents Curriculum Evening
Thank you to all parents who attended the meeting on 5.10.17, it was wonderful to see over 40 adults in the hall. Thank you for your support in your child’s learning. The photographs below were shared at the meeting. Enjoy!
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Building
- Building
- Investigating
- Building
- Drawing
- Building
- Building
- Creating music
- Being creative
- Being creative
- Having fun
- Cutting
- Swinging
- Balancing
- Dough Disco
- Dough Disco
- Cutting
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Creating patterns
- Balancing
- Balancing
- Completing a jigsaw
- Role Play
- Rolling playdough
- Role play
- Outdoor learning
- Outdoor learning
- Building
- Outdoor learning
- Outdoor learning
- Outdoor learning
- Outdoor learning
- Outdoor learning
- Outdoor learning
- Creating patterns
- Outdoor learning
- Using the computer
- Role play
- Havign fun!
- balancing
- Building
- Writing
- reading to others
- Building
- Dough Disco
- Building
- Building
- Racing
- Building
- Building
- Creating music
- Reading
- Using playdough
- Role play
- Role PLay
In Reception the children are given many opportunities to listen to music. Each day in the Autumn Term they also participate in Dough Disco. The children each have a piece of playdough and they listen to the music and dance at the same time. They bend and stretch, poke and prod the playdough to strengthen their muscles and they develop the muscles in their hands and fingers whilst having fun. This will help with writing skills too. Have a look at our photographs.
- Moving to the disco music.
- Following instructions whilst dancing.
- Listening carefully to instructions.
- Having fun!