Welcome to Reception’s Learning for 2016 to 2017
April 2017 Our topic is ‘The Farm’. We visited Whitehouse Farm in Morpeth. Have a look at our photographs.
Looking closely at some small creatures.
Feeding the lambs.
Feeding the larger animals inside the shed.
January 2017 Our topic is ‘Land of Ice and Snow’, have a look at our learning so far.
We go outside each day and enjoy our learning outdoors.
Autumn 2016
November 2016
Each week the children in Reception visit ‘Leafland.’ We build dens, search for wildlife, act out stories and have fun with our friends. Look at the photographs to see our adventures.
The children have been learning about Elmer. Our ‘Elmer’s Day Parade’ of elephants on the school fence shows our artistic talents too.
We continue to visit Leafland on a weekly basis. We co-operate, collaborate, participate, and develop many skills whilst still having fun.
Barbecue in Leafland
Each week the Year R children can be found, with their adults, in the area of the school grounds beyond the green fence. Dressed in waterproof clothing and wellingtons they explore the woodland, create sculptures, listen to stories, make dens or build bonfires. Last week alongside the collecting of sticks for the ‘bonfire’ they ate barbecued bananas and learnt a poem about fireworks. These fun activities enable the children to learn to negotiate, co-operate with their peers, listen to ideas and work as a ‘team’ as well as following instructions from adults.
Class Newsletters