20th July 2017 – Summer Fair
The school Summer Fair at Snows Green Road was a HUGE success. The support from parents was overwhelming and we are extremely grateful. From the extensive donations to the setting up of stalls, the buying of raffle tickets and the attendance on the day, we are really appreciative. The bouncy castle was ever popular and the ‘Stocks’ continually had a queue of participants! The cake stall sold out in a record 25 minutes. We would also like to thank staff and those parents who are the ‘Friends of Shotley Bridge Primary School’ for their hard work prior to, during and after the fair.
The raffle was drawn at the end of the event and all ‘winners’ have been informed.
The grand total raised for Private School Funds was £2010.71
20th October 2016 – Hallowe’en Disco’s
The Hallowe’en Disco’s were a huge success on both sites. It was super to see the children having so much fun. The children in the Benfieldside Road site certainly enjoyed the games that were played and there was some expert dancing on both sites.
A huge thank you to all of the staff and parents who gave their support in a variety of ways, shopping beforehand for food, preparing the food in the kitchens, clearing up or with the supervision of the dancing and judging! We really value the time and effort that you give to the school.
6th October 2016
Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Friends of the school meeting this morning in Snows Green Road. It was lovely to meet new parents as well as those who support us so well on a regular basis. We realise that not all of our members could attend this mornings meeting because of work commitments however, we do appreciate your support from ‘behind the scenes’ too. Please spread the word that help is always needed, especially at upcoming events.
We have some plans for fundraising for particular items for both sites which we will be putting into action soon. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to the Hallowe’en Disco’s on the 19th of October.